Faris Succari

 Student | CAGD | CSR  

I am from Redondo Beach, California. Growing up on the beach became a big part of who I am today. I love spending my time outside in nature and especially in the water. After graduating high school, I moved to Chico, CA. I have been a student at Chico state for 4 years. I study computer animation and want to one day design video games and other 3D productions. Throughout the 4 years I have been at this school I have been introduced to and dabbled in many different forms of digital media. Some of these include:

So far my favorite tool has been Maya. I find it fairly intuitive and fun to use if you take the time to learn the wide array of functions that you can access. Blender is another software that has piqued my interest to try and learn more about. I want to one day create a large-scale multiplayer world that combines futuristic technology with magical magical enhancements. The world would have a buried history that the player could uncover throughout the gameplay. I am taking this class to learn a little bit about creating a website. I want to create a website for my portfolio and have a professional display of my work.

Besides having a love for video games and movies, I also love rugby. I love playing rugby because of the intense pace. It is a physical sport with a strong and loving connection throughout the community. Instant comradery amongst fellow players. It is also a calculating game that tests the endurance of mind and determination.

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