My name Is Fischer Lynt, but most people in my life call me Fish. I had a unique upbringing in Berkeley, where I lived on a boat for 10 years until I graduated high school. I am a sophomore at Chico State studying recording arts and music industry. My goal is to work in the music industry as a freelance guitarist. The music industry attracted me because of the team dynamics of working with others creatively. I also feel like musicians are particularly good people to work with, often being open minded, creative, and intelligent. As for right now, I play as the lead guitarist in a local emo band called Stand Clear. We play shows at local venues and have a three song EP releasing on february 15th. One important aspect about me is that I hope to be a lifelong learner. I want to revisit college in the future to indulge some of my many other interests such as math, cosmology, and physics. I am taking this class to push the boundaries of my skill set and try something new. I also hope that the skills I learn in this class will be applicable to my career as a professional in the music industry. One thing I like to do in my freetime is play videogames. Right now I am playing Fallout New Vegas and Minecraft.
Here are some songs I like in no particular order: