Beta Version? Doesn't matter, it still works! Show your characters!
Character Repository:
* Store characters, set up profiles and upload image galleries.
* Organise characters into folders, tags or worlds.
* Protect content by only allowing access to images, characters or folders to authorized users.
* Auto-generate watermarked versions of images with custom watermarks.
Adoptable Trading:
* Transfer characters on-site.
* View a gallery of all characters you've created and who their current and past owners are.
* Set rules on how you want your designs to be traded.
* Verify designs that you've made in order to minimise stolen or duplicated adoptables.
Roleplay Community:
* Invite users and characters to your worlds for easy grouping.
* Set up your world forums for chatting and RP.
* Make posts or comment on profiles using your characters.
* Link related characters together.