The site prohibits hateful or insulting language, illegal activities, revealing personal information, and making violent threats. It also prohibits hate or insults towards other users or their creations. Violation of these rules will result in content removal, warnings, or suspension. Fictional content is allowed, but users must clearly separate in-character and out-of-character content to avoid misunderstandings. Avoid using characters to be mean, and don't report others just because their character is unpleasant.
The site has content filters for categorizing artwork When it comes to very inappropriate catergories. Sensitive Content is unmoderated and used based on user preferences to hide thumbnails or provide warnings. Failure to appropriately flag explicit content may result in moderation or account bans.
Users are encouraged to add visible content warnings for potentially offensive or triggering content in publicly listed characters, literatures, or threads. This is not a rule, but administrators may add warnings if needed.