Lab 5

HTML5 Video

Upload into your Lab5 folder a project that consists of one HTML5 page with an embedded video, using the HTML5 <video> tag (as shown in the tutorial). You can not use an embedded YouTube video for this lab. Your page should have some other page content (at least a #container DIV, heading1, and paragraph of placeholder text). After uploading and checking your files, don’t forget to submit your assignment in Canvas. | Turning in an Assignment video

Tutorial Video


  1. Video: You are welcome to use a video of your own, or you can use the one supplied here (keep in mind that longer videos will take longer to convert and use more of your web server space). However, you cannot use the one we used in the class demo.
  2. Conversion Software: You can use Miro Video Converter to convert your video file  OR
  3. Conversion Website: If that app is giving your trouble you can use a website service. is one of many.