CHICO STATE: Media Arts, Design & Tech
MADT 222: Basic Web Design
Course Syllabus
Note: In-depth descriptions of assignments and activities are available on class website.
Michael Hayes
(530) 895-9244,
Office Location and Hours
- Location: THMA 271
- Hours: listed on website homepage
Class Meeting Times
All students are enrolled in Section 01 plus one lab section.
Current semester’s sections are listed on website homepage.
My primary channels of communication with you are through class meetings, the Pronto app, and the information I post online. Online you will find a summary of current work and deadlines.
Pronto and Chico State email are great ways to ask me questions where I can often answer well before our next class time. Keep in mind that I’m not monitoring them at every moment, but I do check regularly 9am-5pm on work days, but give me 24 hours to respond. If you’ve not heard back from me, assume that it was lost and email me again. Pronto is also a great way to pose questions that your classmates can respond to.
Course Overview
This course is an introduction to web design and publishing. This includes developing websites from scratch using standards-based strategies such as HTML, CSS, and PHP, and uploading files to web servers so that your site may be viewed on the Internet. This course includes video tutorials along with instructor-led lab activities. Required activities include both project-based exercises in web design and tests to assess generalized knowledge.
Course Outcomes
At the end of this course, you should be able to conceive of, design, publish, and debug static content websites for clients using HTML, CSS, and basic PHP techniques and the following software: Adobe Dreamweaver, TextWrangler, Photoshop, and browser-based web development tools.
Department Outcomes
- Use critical thinking skills to solve problems in their field.
- Demonstrate industry-specific written and oral communication skills.
- Evaluate and apply the principle theories of mediated communications.
- Understand and evaluate both the local and global ethics of mediated communications.
- Demonstrate current design practices.
- Apply visual and technical skills required to excel as artists and professionals in their fields.
- Understand and exhibit the values, character, and habits of professionals in the field.
Course Requirements
Course Required Materials
- Flash Drive or another USB device to backup your files (32 gb or larger) or
DropBox: An online service where you can have free hard drive space. Good for file backups and moving files back and forth between workstations if you forget your flash drive. or
Google Drive: similar to DropBox, but included with your Chico State email account - Notebook for taking notes
- Internet Access for online research, testing webpages, and submitting work
- Adobe Creative Cloud to produce classwork (Dreamweaver, Illustrator & Photoshop). Students have free access to Adobe Creative Cloud!
- Computer (Mac or Windows) capable of running Adobe Creative Cloud. Workstations are available in THMA 224 during Lab and other open lab times.
Optional Course References
- HTML5 and CSS3 Complete Course: Build Websites Like a Pro, Meta Brains
- Adobe Dreamweaver CC Classroom in a Book
- LinkedIn Learning: you can access all courses in the library (formerly
Use your portal username and password
Course Activities
In this course, you will attend weekly formal discussion sessions in THMA 224 where your instructor will guide you through the development of Web content using HTML, CSS, and PHP. The weekly activity session is setup as an open lab time where you can work on your assignments and ask questions (with the occasional group demonstration).
The primary tool we use is Dreamweaver. However, this course is not only about learning Dreamweaver. Rather, it is focused on the design, development, and maintenance of websites. Your instructor will emphasize the concepts and processes involved in web design, while using Dreamweaver to actually build sites. Remember, all of the tasks we perform with Dreamweaver can also be performed with any combination of text editor, graphics development tool, and a file transfer protocol (FTP) application.
Class Participation/Attendance
Students are expected to be an active member of the class throughout the semester. Class participation is a factor in each assignment’s grade. Students who miss two assignments in a row, without discussion with the instructor, may be dropped (make sure to reach out if you’re falling behind for any reason!). Logging in to Canvas is insufficient for establishing participation or a last date of attendance. Students must demonstrate that they participate in course activity.
Class role will be taken on a regular basis; you are expected to attend class regularly. Being absent does not excuse you from completing work assigned during the class period in which you were absent. It is your responsibility to stay abreast of current assignments and complete them on time. Because completed assignments are posted on the internet, all submitted projects are available for viewing by other class members.
Course enrollment
You may add or drop courses without signatures for the first two weeks of class.
After the 4th week of class, you must be able to document in writing a “serious and compelling reason to add or drop classes” and obtain signature from the instructor, chair, and dean. The documentation must be attached to the add/drop form.
Please note that you will not automatically be dropped from a course if you stop attending. You are responsible for monitoring your course enrollment. If you attend the start of the course, then stop coming, you will be given either an F or a WU (which is the GPA equivalent of an F), depending on how much course work you completed.
Assignments and Evaluation
Evaluation for the course is based on cumulative points earned across the semester. Information on assignments, specific point values, and the course grading scale is found below.
Unless stated otherwise, all work should be computer-generated. Always keep copies of work (this includes notes, outlines, drafts, etc.). Save all work on your USB drive and keep backups.
Grading Policy
- Projects: 50 points
- Project 1: Web Hosting 5 pts.
- Project 2: Basic CSS Site 10 pts.
- Project 3: Website Redesign 10 pts.
- Project 4: Desiging from Scratch 15 pts.
- Project 5: PHP Includes 10 pts.
- Participation (discussion & lab assignments): 30 points
- 5 assignments each worth 6 pts.
(7 are assigned, but 2 lowest grades are dropped)
- 5 assignments each worth 6 pts.
- Midterm Exam (multiple choice): 10 points
- 20 questions each worth 1/2 pt.
- Final Exam (multiple choice): 10 points
- 20 questions each worth 1/2 pt.
- Total Possible: 100 points
Grades will be posted in your Canvas account as the semester progresses.
Students will learn various design and production techniques and processes while creating assignments and projects. Students will also learn the process involved in planning, developing, and managing a project from start to finish.
Rubrics are provided for each project telling you what I expect of your work. I consider three main things in evaluating student’s work:
- Effort (visible in the work and/or demonstrated in class; spend quality time on your work!)
- Creativity & Improvement (how original your work is and how it’s improving)
- Following Directions (did you explore the assignment as given? did you meet the technical requirements of the assignment?)
Late Work Policy
Late assignments are subject to a 10% penalty for each week, or portion of a week, that they are late (i.e. a project due on Wednesday loses 10% when turned in on Friday), unless special arrangements have been made with the instructor. Assignments more than two weeks late will not be accepted. Assignments may not be emailed to the instructor.
Midterm and Final Exam
The midterm and final tests will be given through Canvas during class time. Specifics will be noted on the course website.
Intellectual Property
The creative digital elements that you produce in this class are your property (just as anyone else who is creating artwork). Occasionally I publish student artwork as attributed examples for this course either in print or on the web. If you would not want me to use your work for this purpose, please notify me in writing by email before the end of the semester. Your decision, of course, has no bearing on your grade.
General Course Policies
Professional conduct is expected at all times. Students should respect the rights of other classmates. Racist, sexist, or any other type of discriminatory language or behavior will not be tolerated.
University Policies
Definition of Letter Grading Symbols
A – Superior work; a level of achievement so outstanding that it is normally attained by relatively few students.
B – Very good work; a high level of achievement clearly better than adequate competence in the subject matter/skill, but not as good as the unusual, superior achievement of students earning an A.
C – Adequate work; a level of achievement indicating adequate competence in the subject matter/skill. This level or higher will usually be met by a majority of students in the class.
D – Minimally acceptable work; a level of achievement which meets the minimum requirements of the course.
F – Unacceptable work; a level of achievement that fails to meet the minimum requirements of the course. Not passing.
Americans with Disabilities Act
If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability or chronic illness, or if you need to make special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment with me as soon as possible, or see me during office hours. Please also contact Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) as they are the designated department responsible for approving and coordinating reasonable accommodations and services for students with disabilities. ARC will help you understand your rights and responsibilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act and provide you further assistance with requesting and arranging accommodations.
Confidentiality and Mandatory Reporting
As an instructor, one of my responsibilities is to help create a safe learning environment on our campus. I also have a mandatory reporting responsibility. I am required to share information regarding sexual misconduct with the University. Students may speak to someone confidentially by contacting the Counseling and Wellness Center (898-6345) or Safe Place (898-3030). Information on campus reporting obligations and other Title IX related resources are available on the Title IX webpage.
Instructor reserves the right to change syllabus based on student needs.
From time to time the syllabus statement may need to be amended. The current syllabus is on file in the department office. Schedule and sequence of events, including any changes to this syllabus, will be announced on an ongoing basis.
COVID-19 Policies
All students are required to complete their COVID-19 Vaccination Self-Certification by 8/15/2022. For additional information regarding this requirement please visit
Chico State may at any time require the use of an approved face covering which covers the nose and mouth in all indoor campus spaces and in order to participate in this course when in person. When face coverings are optional, they are always welcome on campus. You will be notified if face coverings are required.
Policies and requirements regarding COVID-19 are subject to change pursuant to campus, local, state and/or federal guidelines. Please note that dishonesty relating to the vaccination policy and/or your failure to comply with any COVID-19 related safety policy or mandate may result in disciplinary action against you through the office of Student Conduct, Rights and Responsibilities, which can include suspension or expulsion from the California State University system.
It is very important for students to contact the COVID-19 hotline if they become symptomatic, believe they have been exposed, or have tested positive for COVID-19. The hotline is (530) 898-2222 or