Midterm Study Guide

Here are some topics to review for the midterm:

  1. Structure of HTML pages and relationships between/purpose of
    <DOCTYPE>, <html>, <head>, <body>, <style>, <p>, <ul>, <ol>,<li>, <h1> – <h6>
  2. A viewable website is simply a folder on a computer accessible via the Internet by a web browser
  3. Hosted website directory is going to be the exact same thing as your local directory on your desktop.
  4. Two primary technologies used in this class include HTML and CSS.
    1. HTML imposes structure on information (content)
    2. CSS contains rules for the visual characteristics of the information (presentation)
  5. What a link is and how you code a link <a href=…>
  6. Types of downloadable files. How different browsers handle downloadable files
  7. Basic web site organization (eg. put images in images folder, downloads, media, etc.)
  8. What a <div> is and why we use them
  9. The CSS box model
  10. What “floating a div” means. Why we do it.
  11. How to use CSS to make bulleted lists <ul> look like buttons.
  12. Why we use external style sheets
  13. Difference between HTML tags and attributes
  14. How to center page content using a #container div (sometimes called a #wrapper)
  15. The span tag: how we use it, why we use it
  16. How code is used to insert images on an HTML page (what HTML tag and attributes are used?)
  17. What validation is and how to do it.