Intro to this Week
We’re continuing to learn how to do more in Dreamweaver, but also learning about Site Maps, the first of our Planning stages.
Also, for this week’s lab you will be using Adobe Illustrator, so if you don’t have it installed you might want to start it downloading.
This Week’s Work
1. Setup for Dreamweaver Work
- We’re continuing in Dreamweaver this week, so before you start, make sure you have your site setup in Dreamweaver to access your LocalRootFolder and be able to upload to the webserver. You can revisit that process if needed in a tutorial on configuring Dreamweaver.
- Next, you should download the demo files,, and double-click the resulting .zip file to decompress it. Now move the contents of the decompressed folder into your week3 folder (within tutorials in your LocalRootFolder). It should then look like this:
2. Site Maps
Our first topic is Site Maps, the first of our planning stages.
- Web Design Process (PDF)
- Site Maps slides (PDF)
- Sample Web Contract (PDF)
(not a part of this lesson, but some have asked to see an example)
3. Working in Dreamweaver
We have three topics to cover in Dreamweaver this week. Below are videos of the topics in case you missed class or need to review later.
Lab Time/Homework
- Lab 2: Site Map lab assignment
Additional Resources
Optional Textbook References
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